
I am realizing how quickly and easily i can get distracted and discouraged.

In a world of many voices, Dear Lord, help me hear you.

This weekend, i am creating time and space to re-focus. Due to a few comments from a few people i respect, i am challenged to re-think my “whys” for a few of my goals.

In a world of many ideas of what is best, good, and true, Dear Lord, please lead me. Let me seek Your Way, your best for me, and follow Your Truth. Help me prioritize what you want me to prioritize.

In a world full of “likes” and “followers,” Dear Lord, free me from desiring the approval of others and caring so much what people think. May my aim be honoring you, Christ; loving You, and loving others. Keep me humble, And may Your voice be louder than all the rest.

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