And then it was Fall

Did i tell you i am writing a book?

Last year, my dad and i went to a writing conference at my alma matter, Cornerstone University, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We are excited to go back this weekend and attend and develop our stories further.

Last year, my former professor gave my dad and i feedback on our book ideas. I was reluctant to hear her say “it sounds like you have two book ideas there, Kim.”

I thought to myself, “i hardly want to write one book let alone two.” But quickly i learned she was right.

In April of this year, when my honey and i were flying home from our wonderful vacation, i pulled out the perfect writing journal i purchased while we were in Florida, and began to write. As we were flying in the clouds, the words poured out on the pages.

The woman sitting very close to me on the plane showed interest. We had a lovely conversation. She was the first person i shared my story with that i had just written in those few hours.

And then i realized what i just wrote.

I was in shock. I was angry. The story my pen was documenting was NOT the story i wanted to write. “No,” i thought, i hate this story. But i couldn’t stop writing.

I was and am–compelled–to write my story. The struggle has continued since that first chapter was written. The desire i have to share my story, and the deep rooted disdain for my story that i want to completely sever from within me.

More on this later.

So this weekend i shall go to Breathe Writing Conference. I shall glean, i shall listen, i shall seek wisdom, and i will attempt to chisel away at the firm, strong walls i have safely put around my story. Because that voice is calling me to become vulnerable, so i can help others overcome in their story as well.

3 Replies to “And then it was Fall”

  1. I am eager to hear more from you and I’m praying God gives you clarity and joy in the process of sharing your story. You are amazing and can do this!

  2. I’ll be one of the first to purchase your book, Kimme!! Praying God gives you exactly the words to write and share to bless and encourage others! 💕

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