What my brother in law, with seemingly no effort, did to my computer, in just days, is like what The Lord Jesus does to our hearts in but an instant.
My old laptop was weeks or days from being disposed of. I thought, after ten years, this computer has served me well. I guess i am going to have to just buy a new one.
With an amazing know how, phil quickly assessed the situation: what was wrong, what was needed, and how to restore, rectify, and fully rejuvenate my old machine into a useful and speedy processor. Bringing life to what seemed dead and useless.
Do you know the restorative power of Jesus and the transformative work of the Holy Spirit in your heart, soul, mind, strength?
Old made new. Dead brought to life. Hope rising from ashes. Jesus. Once lost, now found. Sick, now healed. Blind, now seeing. Lame- walking.
The power of the cross and the love of the Creator of all things can fully justify you with but your invitation.
The goodness of the God of all humanity can bring hope to the most devastated soul.
Do you trust him? ….Or do you blame him? Just because he allows evil, pain, and death to exist for a time, does not mean he will always allow that. Or that he won’t fully restore all things once and for all.
You have a choice. Jesus wins. He wants you to win, too, in Him.
My laptop is but a small, insignificant piece of equipment.
Our hearts, our minds, our eternal souls, our very breath and life– these have a value far outweighing anything else in this world.
Do you want to be restored, do you want to be renewed? Do you want to be made whole? Enter in to the newness of life. Jesus awaits you.