The Beauty of The Lord

The beauty of The Lord, is that He steps in at just the right time. In his way, in his goodness, in his loving kindness.

Our weary cries do not go unnoticed. In a heart, confessing need for a savior, for someone bigger and stronger, and wiser to make a way, God steps in.

When we come, sometimes seemingly forced to our knees, we realize we were beckoned on our knees to that lowly place, for the ultimate purpose and plan of a compassionate God, calling us to himself.

And how good he is. He breaks through–hearts, wills, defiance, pride, crushed spirits, wayward journeys. God, in his sovereignty, makes right wrongs. Opens doors once sealed shut, keys lost. Hearts, broken. Fears- seizing lives day by day and moment by moment.

The Lord God, Savior, and creator of this world, loves you. Longs for your attention. Gave up everything to try to connect with you. He is here. Wants to hear your invitation for His presence in your life, in your heart, in your mind, in your spirit.

His blessings are far beyond anything this world offers. And that does not mean he erases pain, or spares you sorrow. Only more-so, in the midst of the hurt, in the valleys of the shadows of death, of disappointment, of waiting–he is there. With you, for you, calling you to himself. For there, in Him, life and love itself, you will find peace, joy, love…abundance.

One Reply to “The Beauty of The Lord”

  1. Beautifully written devotional. Encouraging words, Holy Spirit inspired. Thank you for sharing the love and wisdom in your heart, soul, and mind- of which the Beauty of our Lord shines. He does want everyone to call Him.

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