What was I thinking

This morning i undertook the hardest thing i have ever done physically. My first triathlon.

500 yard swim (think 5 football fields); 10 mile bike; 5k run (3 miles.)

It was much, much harder than i anticipated.

I could have / should have trained a lot more and a lot harder. But i didn’t drown (probably impossible with a wet suit on thank God); and i didn’t get injured (thank God.)


After today, and after several other recent events and completing all the other goals i have set for myself this year up to this point, i find myself very reflective.

Why do i set such big goals for myself?

Keeping up this intensity of goals seems unsustainable.

I think i am going to start setting smaller goals for myself.

I want to be more normal/ average.

Or, do i ?

Who does God want me to be? What goals does he want me to set for myself? (Not just physical goals, etc.) Who has he created me to be? What does he say about me in his word?

“I am more than a conqueror in Jesus.”

That course was tough. I struggled through the swim and run. I don’t know what i was thinking…

Except my theme, this year especially, keeps resurfacing: “challenge yourself to grow, kim.”

So that’s what i will keep doing. I think growth is a beautiful thing. It may not come easy, but then isn’t it just all that more beautiful?

3 Replies to “What was I thinking”

  1. Kim~I waffle between small goals and enormous. For a year I wrote 350 words 6 days a week and did it. That blew me away. So we need large goals too. Discernment?

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