Great Expectations

I have been told three times in my life that I have too high of expectations. “Kim, you are going to need to lower your expectations.” From another, “I’m sorry if I have not met your expectations.” And from another, “your expectations are too high.”

Now, as I have reflected on these statements and over the years that have gone by, I realize these statements say something about me; about these people speaking into my life; and about the world we live in; as well as my worldview.

The cliff note version? Within my heart and soul I see within people the amazing capacity within them. Especially when transformed by the hand of God- to reach out, love, connect to others beautifully and in a way that puts a deep and warm flame in another’s soul. We have that power and potential as human beings, to see, to touch, to gift those around us with a meaningful and strong connection; a hope; a charge; a vision. Let us not miss those moments.

Second, those speaking into my life have experienced the realities of life, and I’m sure are wiser now because of it, and trying to prevent me from the hurt of being let down by others that they too may have experienced.

What does this speak of about our world? This is a fallen, sinful world we live in, full of evil, sin, pain, suffering, and death.

What is my worldview? I fully believe that amidst this sinful world, and we as sinful beings, can be and will be restored. The Bible says one day God will make all things new; He will wipe away all tears from our eyes. The old has gone, the new has come. In Jesus, he cleanses us from our sin and helps us be re-born anew if we ask Him to. When Jesus is invited in, amazing life altering things happen.

So will I lower my expectations? We shall see. Maybe in some things, yes, but will I daily prayerfully, and expectantly look to that promise of sanctification and transformation? In myself and those around me? For God to grow us and right all the wrongs and lift us up as We give Him permission to make us into who He wants us to be, a thousand times: yes!

Happy New Year to each of us, and May we expect Great and beautiful things. For God redeems, heals, creates and transforms.

2 Replies to “Great Expectations”

  1. You are remarkable. Such incite, wisdom, love, hope. Your thoughts are well written. Thank you for sharing and thank you for the godly prayer for all of us.

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